Friday, August 7, 2009

Jonathan's July -up

Hi All -

Jonathan had an appointment with his oncologist yesterday and had okay results. His leukemia has not returned, but his blood work is not normal. His white count has been falling for the last 3 months and is now at 4600. (A normal white count is between 5,000 and 15,000 - his white count was 160,000 on the day he was born). His doctor says she is not "panicking" yet and that we will just continue to monitor his blood counts. She doesn't have any good explanation for why this is happening - it could be residual chemotherapy effects, it could be that he will just have a low white count, or it could be an unknown. Anyway, please keep praying for our little fella - he is doing so good - he has been smiling all morning. He even smiled at the guy who drew his blood yesterday - until the poke came. He also had an appointment at the cranio-facial clinic to evaluate whether he needs a cranial cap - 8 1/2 weeks in the NICU left his head a little asymmetrical. They measured his head with a very fancy electrode stocking hat and a wand they waved around his head - then a perfect picture of every bump and fall on his head appeared on the computer screen. They can build a perfect helmet for him from the computer image. It took less than 2 minutes. Amazing. They will measure him again on 9/11 before they make him a cap, and if all goes well his head may grow in the right places and he may not even need a cap.

Today, it is raining and we are building blanket tents ALL over the house. It is peaceful though so I am not complaining. Oh - now we are going to bake. So much for the peace...


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