Sunday, August 2, 2009

First post

Wow! Welcome to my new blog! I am sitting in the Charlotte, NC airport with my wonderful friend, Bethany. We attended a writer's conference this past weekend. God has planted a dream in my heart to write a book about the prayers and miracles that saved Jonathan's life after his premature birth five months ago. The conference was great because it offered practical insights into the process of publishing and many inspirational stories to fuel my dream.

I have been away from Craig and the kids for FOUR days and I miss them terribly right now. It wasn't easy to leave them - I don't recall ever leaving them for this long - except to give birth. I tried to make my departure as low-key as possible, so I didn't tell the kids until the night before. I told them I was going to "school" to learn how to write a book about how God healed Jonathan when he was sick. Phraseology is very important with my lovelies. For example, we never use the word "camp" to describe a summer activity - lest tears inevitably follow. All their summer activities are referred to as "classes." And so, my conference is called "school" and the kids laughed and smiled at my misfortune to be in "school" in the summer.

For friends and family joining me from the Caring Bridge site, I wanted to let you know that Jonathan is doing fabulous. He is smiling, rolls sideways, has a tiny giggle, bats at toys, sucks his thumb and puts everything he can into his mouth. He started "classes" with the St. Paul School District this summer and is learning all kinds of new things - such as the fine art of rattle holding. He had a hearing test in June which revealed moderate hearing loss in both ears. He is going to have tubes put in his ears in late August to improve his ear function. Please pray that the tubes would clear the fluid in his ears and COMPLETELY restore his hearing. And then pray that he doesn't develop a nervous condition from suddenly hearing all the noise in our house.

Well, our plane has just been delayed 10 minutes. We have 3 flights to return to Minnesota today - all on a very tight schedule - sooooo this could be interesting.


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